Kristen Otte

Finding Love and Laughter through Story

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Give the Gift of Zelda this Christmas!

IMG_0308With the holiday season around the corner, Zelda Claus and her friends wanted to remind that you The Adventures of Zelda series is a great gift for a child in your life. With the endorsements of these good looking pugs, you know it’s worth checking out!


When Hamilton Pug isn’t running the streets of NYC, he is inside curling up with The Adventures of Zelda. 
Chubbs2Z3The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach is Chubbs the Wampug’s favorite in the series.


Bodie and Spanky hope treats await at the end of the book.

HoganFredddyZ3Hogan and Freddie are confused by the appearance of Peach, a Boston Terrier, in the third book. Wasn’t this only about pugs?

SpikeZ3Even dogs that aren’t pugs love Zelda. Thanks Spike!


Thor gives a one paw forward review.
ZirainsidebookZ3Zira hasn’t made it past the title page because she is star struck that Zelda pawtographed her book.

The pug nation loves Zelda. I hope you do too. Head here for links to order your copy in paperback or ebook format.

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What’s Next? (And a Zelda Launch Debrief)

Hello Friends! I hope all my blog friends and followers enjoyed the pug palooza on the blog last week. If you didn’t, I have good news–the pug posts are back to a once a month schedule.

In all seriousness, thanks to those who helped publicize the launch of the third book in the Zelda series: The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach. Zelda fans have commented the third book is the best so far.  I agree–I feel like the Zelda saga hit a fantastic groove with the introduction of Peach in the third book.

As for the launch success, I had great publicity and traffic on the blog and on social media. The conversion rates could have been better, but I am getting a better sense of what works and what doesn’t work for promotion of children’s books.

For the most part, advertising or email list sites don’t seem to do much for Zelda book sales. I have a theory they may do better if the first Zelda ebook was free. On the other hand, working with the pug community sells books, and they are super supportive. I mean who doesn’t love Chubbs the Wampug?


So what’s next for me?

I’m taking a hiatus from the Zelda series for several months to focus on my young adult and longer fiction works. I’m currently halfway through the first draft for my second full length young adult novel. It is a follow up to The Photograph, but I hesitate to call it a true sequel or series. This book takes place several months after the end of The Photograph, and follows the story of Lillie Gable, who was a secondary character in the first novel. I should finish the first draft in the next two weeks. After the first draft, I will go through and do my first round of revisions, then send to beta readers. I’m thinking a late winter of 2015 release (maybe February?), but it’s too early to say yet.

I also have a completed first draft for the first book in what will be my Ozais series. The Ozais series is a fantasy project that I am super excited to write. I wrote the first draft this summer, and I will be working on revisions when Lillie’s story goes to beta readers. I’m hoping for a spring release for the first Ozais novel. This is by far the most ambitious of my current projects, so I’m taking care to make sure this series is well-planned.

Finally, I will sneak in some Zelda writing this winter for the fourth Zelda book. I already have plenty of ideas for this fourth book–it’s amazing that the stories for Zelda and Peach continue to emerge. I expect the fourth Zelda book to release in the summer of 2015.

The above projects are on my plate for the fall and winter.  I’m doing very well with time management right now, but basketball coaching starts at the end of October, making my schedule much trickier to manage. However, I’m writing faster and better with each project so I’m hopeful I will meet my goals.

What are you writing this fall?

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An Interview with Zelda and Peach

To continue in the launch week fun, Zelda and Peach agreed to a short interview with me to talk about the books and what they have been up to lately. You can watch the ridiculousness below!

If you haven’t picked up your copy of The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach, now is the time! Visit the launch page for the links to buy a copy. 

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The Zelda and Peach Photoshoot

I had a grand idea for a photoshoot with Zelda and Peach to help promote the release of the third book in the Zelda series The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and PeachI grabbed my camera, the dogs, and my husband and off we went to get some good pictures. I thought it would be a piece of cake. Last week, we went canoeing and managed to get some great shots of them while in a canoe with doggy life jackets!IMG_1170We jumped in the jetta and took a short ride to a nearby park. This was the first shot. As you can see, Peach and Zelda were not cooperating–double snaggleteeth and a tongue. We tried a few more times with no luck, so we switched locations, out of the sunlight.


At this point, Zelda’s photogenic powers returned. She jumped onto this ledge on her own and was a champ while we snapped some pics.


Peach, on the other hand, was still not cooperating. In fact, I think she wanted to kill us for putting her on this pedestal.


We left the park and returned to our neighborhood and familiar territory. Peach was much happier here and we were finally able to get some good pictures. Well, almost.


Peach refused to display her best feature–her ears. This was the closest we could get to a picture with Peach’s ears standing up in all of their magnificence.


Here’s the shot I like the best. No Peach ears, but no weird sunlight or shade and more importantly, two happy dogs!

IMG_1232Don’t forget to join in the launch week fun for your chance to win some Zelda books! Check out this post to learn how you can win some books or where you can buy the latest book in the Zelda series.



The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach


Zelda, Peach, and I are excited to announce that today is launch day for The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach! This book is the third in the Zelda series, and we think they get better every time. If you are new to the Zelda series, this video will tell you a little more about the series or you can read the first chapter here.

We hope that Zelda can move up the Amazon charts, so if you are thinking about buying The Adventures of Zelda: Pug and Peach for yourself, for your kids, your nieces and nephews, your grandkids, or the kids across the street, go ahead and take the plunge. All Zelda books are available in ebook and paperback form. In addition, you can now order a personalized, pawtographed paperback copy!

Buy Now:

AmazonApple iBooks, Barnes and Noble, Kobo.

Click here to order a paperback book signed by the author and Zelda!

If you are new to the Zelda books and you want to start with book one, head over to my Zelda series page to purchase the first book.

We also encourage you to check back here on the blog each day this week for more Zelda, Peach, and pug fun.

How to Win Pawtographed Books

On Wednesday September 3, I will be giving away three pawtographed books to #pugchat winners. Join the pugs on twitter from 7pm-8pm. For those unfamiliar with #pugchat, here is an introduction.

You can join the Facebook launch party on Thursday September 4 from 7pm-10pm EST. I will be posting fun pug and Zelda facts, hosting Zelda trivia, and giving away signed Zelda books.

Finally, I will be hosting a #zeldachat on Twitter from 8pm-9pm on Thursday September 4th for my twitter and #pugchat friends. During that time, Zelda will be taking your questions, and participants have a chance to win a pawtographed set of Zelda books! Simply follow the hashtag #zeldachat during that time.